Seasonal Measures for BMSB 2019-2020Written on the 13 June 2019 Brown Marmorated Stink Bug 2019-2020 Risk Season UpdateThe Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (DAWR) has now finalized seasonal measures for 2019-2020. The season will apply to all cargo sailing on or after 01 September 2019 and arriving into Australia by 31 May 2020. Below are important updates provided by DAWR that Importers should take note of for the 2019-2020 BMSB season. DAWR Seasonal measures for Brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB)In response to the rapid expansion of BMSB throughout Europe and North America, the Department (DAWR) has strengthened the seasonal measures to manage risk of BMSB from arriving in Australia for 2019-2020 BMSB risk season. The department has used a range of scientific, intelligence and evidence based information when setting the measures including data collected from the 2018-2019 BMSB season onshore verification activities. The department has also worked closely with the New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries on the 2019-2020 measures to ensure both Australia and New Zealand's BMSB seasonal measures are consistent across the two countries where possible. For the 2019-2020 BMSB risk season, measures will apply to:
As with previous BMSB risk seasons, you must comply with these measures. Throughout the season we (DAWR) will continue to review these measures based on detentions of BMSB and the risk pathways and make any necessary adjustments. Details of the final seasonal measures for the 2019-2020 BMSB season are outlined below. The following countries below have been categorized as target risk, any target risk or Target risk goods which are manufactured in, or shipped form the target risk countries will be subject to BMSB seasonal measures. Any vessel that berths at, loads or transships from he target risk countries are also subject to BMSB seasonal measures.
The department will be monitoring a number of emerging risk countries (watch list countries) throughout the season. Target high risk and risk goods from these countries may be subject to random onshore inspections to verify freedom from BMSB contamination. Goods that fall within the following tariff classifications have been categorized as target high risk goods and will require mandatory treatment for BMSB risk.
Break Bulk Goods:
Containerized goods not including LCL consignments and FAK containers:
Containerized goods shipped as Less than Container Load (LCL) consignments and Freight of all Kinds (FAK) containers:
If you have any questions regarding the 2019-2020 BMSB season, please contact your Scorpion International representative.